An iconic offering from auteur filmmaker Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel follows the escapades of lobby boy Zero (Tony Revolori) and legendary concierge M. Gustave (Ralph Fienes) at the fictional Grand Budapest. When a wealthy patron of the hotel suddenly dies and leaves a priceless painting to M. Gustave, a mesmerising adventure of conniving family members, mysterious benefactors and sled chases through the Swiss Alps soon follow.
- Year2014
- Runtime100 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, French
- DirectorWes Anderson
An iconic offering from auteur filmmaker Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel follows the escapades of lobby boy Zero (Tony Revolori) and legendary concierge M. Gustave (Ralph Fienes) at the fictional Grand Budapest. When a wealthy patron of the hotel suddenly dies and leaves a priceless painting to M. Gustave, a mesmerising adventure of conniving family members, mysterious benefactors and sled chases through the Swiss Alps soon follow.
- Year2014
- Runtime100 minutes
- LanguageEnglish, French
- DirectorWes Anderson